Academic formation


Master on cooperation and humanitarian action (2011)
Open University of Catalonia (UOC)

Course on volunteering, cooperation and technology for development (2011)
Engineers without borders

PhD on Computer Vision (2004-2007)
University of girona (UdG)
Supervisors: Dr Xavier Muñoz (UdG) & Prof. Andrew Zisserman (Univ. Oxford)
unanimity excelent

MsC on Computer Science (2002-2003)
University of Girona (UdG)

BsC on Computer Science (1998-2001)
University of Girona(UdG)


  • Grant BE from Generalitat de Catalunya (2006)
  • DEA (Diploma d’estudis Avançats), unanimity excelent (2005)
  • Grant UdG for the PhD studies (2004)
  • Best final career project (2003)
  • Grant from Ministeri d’Educació i Ciència for research colaboration (2003)
  • Grant Patronat for research colaboration(2001)



  • [Thesis 07] A. Bosch Image Classification for a largre number of object categories. Departament d'Electrònica, Informàtica i Automàtica. Universitat de Girona. September 2007. (pdf)


  • [T-PAMI 08] A.Bosch, A.Zisserman, X.Muñoz. Scene classification using a hybrid generative/discriminative approach. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. vol. 30, Issue 4, pp.712-727, April 2008. (pdf)
  • [IVC 07] A.Bosch, X.Muñoz, R.Martí. A Review: Which is the Best Way to Organize/Classify Images by Content?. Image and Vision Computing. vol.25, Issue 6, pp.778-791, June 2007. (pdf)
  • [IVC 07] A.Bosch, X.Muñoz, J.Freixenet. Segmentation and Description of Natural Outdoor Scenes. Image and Vision Computing. vol. 25, Issue 5, pp.727-740, May 2007. (pdf)

International Conferences

  • [TRECVid 07]J.Philbin, O. Chum, J.Sivic,V.Ferrari, M.Marin, A.Bosch, N.Apostolof and A.Zisserman. Oxford TRECVID 2007 - Notebook Paper. Proceedings of the TRECVID 2007. Workshop (2007).
  • [ICCV 07] A.Bosch, A.Zisserman, X.Muñoz. Image Classification Using Random Forests and Ferns. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. October 2007. (pdf)
  • [CIVR 07] A.Bosch, A.Zisserman, X.Muñoz. Representing Shape with a Spatial Pyramid Kernel. International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. July 2007. (pdf)
  • [TRECVid 06]J.Philbin, A.Bosch, O.Chum, J.Geusebroek, J.Sivic, A.Zisserman. Oxford TRECVID 2006 - Notebook Paper. Proceedings of the TRECVID 2006. Workshop (2006).
  • [ICPR 06] A.Bosch, X.Muñoz, A.Oliver, R.Martí. Object and Scene classification: what does a Supervised Approach Provide us?. International Conference on Pattern Recognition, vol. 1, pp. 773-777. Hong Kong. August 2006. (pdf)
  • [ICPR 06] A.Oliver, J.Freixenet, R.Martí, A.Bosch, J.Martí. A new approach to the classification of mammographic masses and normal breast tissue. International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Vol IV, pp 707-710. Hong Kong. August 2006. (pdf)
  • [CVPR 06] A.Bosch, X.Muñoz, A.Oliver, J.Martí. Modeling and Classifying Breast Tissue Density in Mammograms. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, vol. 2, pp. 1552-1558. New York. June 2006. (pdf)
  • [ECCV 06] A.Bosch, A.Zisserman, X.Muñoz. Scene Classification via PLSA. European Conference on Computer Vision, vol. IV, pp. 517-530. Graz, Austria. May 2006. ( pdf)
  • [ICIP 05] A.Bosch, X.Muñoz, J.Martí. Using appearance and context for outdoor scene object classification. International Conference on Image Processing, vol. 2, pp. 1218-1221. Genova, Italy. September 2005. (pdf)
  • [AQT-R 04] A.Bosch, X.Muñoz, J.Freixenet, J.Martí. Supervised Object Knowledge Learning for Image Understanding. EEE International Conference on Automation, Quality Testing, Robotics. Cluj-Napoca, Romania. May 2004.

National Conferences

  • [IbPRIA 05] X.Muñoz, A.Bosch, J.Freixenet, J.Espunya. A Learning Framework for Object Recognition on Image Understanding. Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. LNCS 3523, pp. 311-318. Estoril, Portugal. Juny 2005.
  • [IbPRIA 05]A.Oliver, J.Freixenet, A.Bosch, D.Raba, Zwiggelaar R. Automatic Classification of Breast Tissue. Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. pp 471-478. Estoril. Portugal. June 2005.
  • [CCIA 05]A.Bosch, X.Muñoz, J.Martí, A. Oliver. Classifying Natural Objects on Outdoor Scenes. Congrés Català d'Intel·ligència Artificial. L'Alguer, Italy. October 2005, pp 115-122.
  • [IS 03] J.Mart, J.Freixenet, D.Raba , A.Bosch, J.Pont, J.Español and cols. HRIMAC una Herramienta de Recuperación de Imágenes Mamográficas por Análisis del Contenido para el Asesoramiento del Cáncer de Mama. Informática de la salud. Madrid, 2003.

Technical Report

  • A.Bosch, X.Muñoz. Estudi De Diferents Descriptors de Forma per Caracteritzar Objectes. Technical Report IIiA 05-01-RR, Institute of Informatics and Applications. University of Girona, 2005.