The VICOROB-UdG team is a multidisciplinary team of students and professors from the Computer Vision and Robotics Group of the University of Girona. Its main objective is to participate in the SAUC-E european underwater robots competition. This challenge comprises the design and construction of an autonomous robot capable to perform a mission predefined by the organizers of the competition.

Our team wants to demonstrate that here also high-technology can be done, we need your support!

Teléfono: 972 41 98 71                   e-mail:

Latest news:

08.08.06 Diari de Girona: El robot submarí de la UdG guanya...

08.08.06 Diari el Punt: L'equip de roḅtica submarina de la UdG guanya...

06.08.06 We are the WINNERS of the SAUC-E 2006!
