Fig. .21 Furnace for incinerating MSW.

Fig. .22 Quality of MSW.

Fig. .23 Register of flue gas temperature in the furnace.


Thus, the challenge is to take benefit of the operator experience and process engineer knowledge and to try to predict the evolution of the furnace. Expert engineer established the influences depicted in Fig. 6.24 between process variables and MSW, when a positive variation is given one of the MSW parameters depicted in the figure:

Fig. .24 Influences between process variables inside the oven.
Dashed arrow shows the action to perform and solid arrows
are given as process restrictions.
With the goal of using expert observances, process operators were asked to fill a table to roughly classify the quality of MSW input, according to their expert criteria, and the changes performed in the furnace parameters (grate velocity and variation of MSW quantity). This information has been used to estimate the temperature variations in the furnace without taking into account the regulation of the combustion air flow. ALCMEN has been used with this goal to establish a graph and to simulate these dependencies. It has been tested with the data of a fortnight during the summer. The lexical domain for the all the variables involved is defined with two positive labels for positive increasing (indices 1 and 2) and two negative, for decreasing situations (indices -1 and -2) from the normal mode (index = 0). The MSW-Input quantity and grate velocity are obtained directly as qualitative variables according to the position of commands selected by the operator. On the other hand, the indices corresponding to MSW quality are estimated to be centred between 25% and 30% because the period of year during which the measures have been acquired, i.e. summer, is characterised by wet garbage (due to the big amount of fruits and vegetables). Then, the indices used are :
MSW-Quality : 

MSW-Input quantity : 

Grate velocity : 

And the ALCMEN relationship in the CASSD framework, modelling the positive influence of these variables in the evolution of temperature, are depicted in Fig. 6.25.

Fig. .25 Estimation of furnace temperature using ALCMEN blocks in the CASSD framework.


Two simple blocks (Qsum and Qsum2) have been used to add the MSW influence (Quality, Grate-velocity and quantity of MSW Input). The behaviour of this qualitative estimator is tested using qualitative data supplied by the operators as input and the register of temperature in the oven. The temperature evolution has been smoothed and qualified in 5 zones around the average value. The comparison of both can be observed in Fig. 6.26.

Fig. .26 Qualitative estimation of temperature in the furnace.


The validity of these results is up to 215 hours because after that all input remains constant (it was because an emergency occurred and operator left the last value). When the time equal 260h. the temperature is decreasing very fast due to a stop in the plant and which is not reflected in the input set of values. Then, the final set of data must be rejected. The evolution of qualitative estimated temperature and the qualification of real data have similar behaviour. There does not exist a perfect matching between both, but large oscillations are more or less detected. A delay between both can be observed, because the temperature transmitter is placed very far from the input of MSW, and the data given, refers to the input MSW. Moreover, MSW quality is given outside of the input hopper. Although the general evolution is satisfactory, it must be contrasted with more data and added with the influence of the air flow although it remains constant when selected a working point.