Fig. .8 Strategies for fault diagnosis



Supervision of complex systems (non-linear, time dependent, etc.) becomes impossible using analytical model-based approach because difficulty in obtaining accurate models. Despite of this drawback numerical methods must be taken into account for obtaining signal features that are needed by ES, representing expert knowledge, to deduce about behaviour of process variables. This thesis is particularly focused on combining all possible techniques in the implementation of complete supervisory systems. Fig. 2.7 represents the variety of information that can be used in the implementation of knowledge-based structures for fault detection and diagnosis.

Fig. .9 Hybrid, Knowledge and analytical based architecture for fault diagnosis

In this ways, the proposal of this thesis (Fig. 2.9) tries to take benefit of both knowledge and analytical tools, providing abstraction tools as numerical to qualitative interfaces. Qualitative reasoning and modelling are also present to roughly estimate process variables. Rule-based systems must be used together with analytical tools in the diagnosis tasks because data coming from process is purely numerical and process knowledge is referred to qualitative perceptions of them. In following chapters a set of tools are selected to be integrated in a commercial framework to facilitate the development of supervisory structures following this line.