1.2 CAD-type tools: modern trends

The increasing use of computers in engineering activities has originated the apparition of numerous packages or frameworks especially conceived to facilitate engineering developments. Some reasons for extensive application of computers in engineering decision and design problems are quite obvious; computer aided tools make the work of engineers both easier and faster. This means that increasingly more complex engineering problems become solvable in reasonable short time, while the effort devoted to solve these problems remains limited mostly to some conceptual work. Some other reasons include the necessity of improving the of quality of engineering solutions, including robustness, reliability and safety and lowering down the cost of manpower spent on developing particular solutions. Moreover, the systems developed with use of computer software can easily be simulated, analysed and reused.

Because of these reasons, the acronym CA (Compute Aided) has been used as a prefix for designing software packages developed to assist engineering tasks. Some principal areas of interest in applying computers for assisting engineers include domains as: