4.5 Knowledge representation with logic   In this section some basic notion of logical knowledge representation will be outlined. More precisely, elements of propositional calculus and bases of first-order predicate calculus will be presented. The presentation will be limited mostly to elements of syntax; for more details any Standard textbook on logic or logic in AI can be consulted.
Knowledge representation with Propositional Logic   Propositional calculus forms the most popular logical formalism useful in representation of models and specification of properties of numerous systems, where the behaviour or state of elements is characterised with binary values. An important advantage of propositional calculus consists in simple, intuitive semantics, especially important in engineering applications.

Let us recall the bases for propositional logic. A proposition is a finite sentence to which can be assigned its truth value: either truth or false. The alphabet of the propositional calculus consists of (infinite) set of propositional symbols, usually denoted as , etc. and a set of logical connectives. The propositional symbols are also called atomic formulae, or atoms (for short). As logical connectives most frequently used ones there are  (negation; not),  (conjunction; and),  (disjunction; or),  (implication; if...then...), and  (equivalence; if and only if). Sometimes special connectives are also used, but all special functions can be expressed as appropriate combinations of the above. More precisely, any minimal but so-called functionally complete set of logical connectives is sufficient for expressing any logical function in propositional calculus. Examples of such minimal but functionally complete sets are  or , while conjunction and disjunction only is not functionally complete set. The reason for using more than a minimal functionally complete set of connectives is the tradition and simplification of forming more complex functions. Moreover, use of more functions and parentheses improves readability.

The formulae of propositional logic are defined inductively as follows:

  • any propositional symbol p is a formula,
  • if  and  are formulae, then  and 
    are also formulae.

    Nothing else is a formula. Sometimes, parentheses are used in order to establish the priorities of logical operators; if no parentheses appear in a formula (subformula), then normally the priorities are decreasing from negation to equivalence in the shown above order.

    The semantics of predicate calculus is also quite simple. Evaluation of the so-called truth-value of a formula can be performed as soon as the propositional formulae are individually assigned to be either true or false. For simplicity, the two truth values are also denoted with 1 and 0, T and F, etc.

    The practical way of evaluating the truth value of more complex formulae is defined with the following table:

    If a formula is evaluated to true under certain assignment of truth values to propositional symbols occurring in this formula, it is said that the formula is satisfied under this assignment (interpretation). A formula true under any such assignment is called valid one or a tautology. A formula which is always evaluated to false, disregarding the assignment of its propositions is called unsatisfiable. If there exists at least one assignment such that the formula is satisfied, it is called a satisfiable one. In order to evaluate the truth value of any formula one should apply the rules given in the table inductively up, until evaluation of the total formula is generated.

    To denote the fact that some formula  is always true (a tautology) the following notation is used: Æ. For example,  is such a formula, i.e. Æ. Another( example of a tautology is . Further, let us consider two formulae  and  (perhaps having some common propositional symbols occurring in them). If any assignment satisfying  also satisfies  then such fact is denoted as  Æ and it is said that  logically entails or  is said to be a logical consequence of . For example,  Æ for  and .

    Propositional calculus can be used for model building, especially for systems the elements of which exhibit two stable states to be distinguished (bi-stable elements). Such elements include any mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic, etc. element of type rely, digital circuits, and similar systems. Also, systems of more complex nature, but such that their behaviour is abstracted to observed symptoms encoded with propositional symbols.

    Adding more expressive power: elements of predicate calculus
    In more complex cases, specification of more complex properties over some or all system elements may be necessary. Further, representation of structural elements may be important. Predicate calculus allows for use of variables and functional symbols, and thus accomplishing the two tasks thanks to its higher expressive power. Below selected basic notions are recapitulate in brief. However, the discussion is limited to certain aspects of syntax only. For more details consult any book on first-order logic, such as...
    The alphabet of first-order logic consists of symbols denoting objects (constants), functions and relations, logical connectives, quantifiers, and auxiliary elements, like parentheses and comma. Constants denote specific objects, values, or phenomena. Variables are used to denote the same elements in case the precise name of an element is currently not known, unimportant, or a class of elements is to be represented. Simultaneously, variables play the role of coreferrence constraints, i.e. two or more occurrences of the same variable in an expression denote the same object; if any replacement of the variables take place, all the occurrences of a single variable must be replaced with the same symbol. Function symbols denote, in general, mappings; however, they can be applied to form record-like structures for representing more complex objects. In this case, one can assume that a function maps its arguments into the resulting structured object. Predicate symbols are used to specify relations holding for certain objects. The represented relations can have no arguments (and thus they are the same as propositional symbols describe earlier) or can take one or more arguments. For intuition, the meaning is that the relation holds for the specific arguments.

    In the presented notation variables are denoted with single characters or strings, always beginning with an upper case letter or underscore, constants are denoted with any other strings of characters and special symbols or single letters (most typically a sequence of lower-case letters and possibly underscore characters; this convention is used in order to improve readability). Functions and predicates are to be denoted with any arbitrary characters or strings; they are easily recognisable by their position in any expression. Further, proper names will be used frequently so as to provide some intuitions and refer to some specific examples at hand. If necessary, indices will be occasionally used, so as to provide relatively precise definitions and theorems.

    Any function and predicate symbol is assumed to take a pre-specified number of arguments. If for some function symbol f (predicate symbol p) the number of arguments is n, the appropriate symbol is called an n-place or n-ary function (predicate) symbol. The number of arguments of any function or predicate (its arity) can be zero or any positive integer; however, by convention, all the 0-place functions are regarded as constants.

    The logical connectives used are, in principle, limited to the same as in the case of propositional calculus (i.e.  (negation; not),  (conjunction; and),  (disjunction; or),  (implication; if...then...), and  (equivalence; if and only if)). Further, logical quantifiers  (universal quantifier) and  (existential quantifier) may also be used. All the logical connectives and quantifiers can be used in order to construct more complex logical expressions, i.e. formulae.

    For representing any objects in predicate logic the notion of term is necessary. A term is any constant, any variable, and any expression of the form , where f is an n-ary functional symbol and  are terms; the definition then inductive. For example, the following expressions are well-constructed terms: on, off, input_1, output_3, switch(input_1,output_1,output_2), distance(state,goal), etc. The precise meaning of a term is always to be defined in particular context by assigning the intended interpretation. For simplicity, the mes of functional and constant symbols are selected so that they simplify the interpretation.

    Basic formulae of predicate logic are atomic formulae (atoms, for short). An atomic formula is always of the form , where p is an n-argument relation and  are terms. Atomic formulae in predicate logic correspond to atom of propositional calculus. The truth assignment to atomic formulae is basically performed by checking if the specified relation p holds for objects defined by the terms . Some example atomic formulae can be holds(signal, on), status(switch_1,off), or connected(input_1,switch(input_1,output_1,output_2),output_2). Positive atomic formulae such that no variables occur in them are usually referred to as facts.

    More complex formulae are formed from atomic ones almost exactly as in the case of propositional calculus. The only difference consists in the use of quantifiers. If a variable occurs inside an atomic formula, then it is called a free variable. Such a variable has no defined meaning and thus it would be difficult to assign some truth value to such an atom. The use of quantifiers allows to define the "meaning" of such a variable; if a variable occurs within the scope of a quantifier, then it is called a bound one. In certain cases, the quantifiers are not specified explicitly; in such a case all the variables under interest are assumed to be implicitly existentially or universally quantified. The most typical convention in automated theorem proving (the resolution method) and in a logic programming language (Prolog) is that all the variables are universally quantified (by default). In certain specific cases like incomplete specification of state of some system, certain variables can be implicitly existentially quantified.

    In many cases variables occurring in logical expression play the role of parameters to be replaced with specific current values. Such replacement of variables with terms is called instantiation or - more frequently - substitution. A substitution is any finite mapping of variables in terms. A substitution can be conveniently represented as a set of pairs variable/term, and thus specify explicitly which terms are substituted for which variables. A generic form of a substitution is thus . Such a substitution defines that variables  are to be simultaneously replaced with terms . It is normally assumed that  (to avoid empty substitutions) and that  does not occur in the term  (in order to avoid problems of recursive substitutions). For example, if is an atomic formula and  is a substitution, than the result of applying  to  is denoted as , and obviously .

    Amongst the formulae, some most useful ones are again simple formulae, i.e. conjunctions of positive (non-negated) atomic formulae. They allow for specification of some properties holding simultaneously. For example, the formula  may specify a state in which switch_1 is an, the temperature of coolant is normal and the speed is low.

    Considering two arbitrary formulae of predicate logic, say  and , it may be quite difficult to verify if  Æ, i.e. if one of them logically follows from the other. Such a check however is very frequent in practical applications. For example checking if certain conditions do hold in current state of if preconditions of an inference rule are satisfied. However, if the formulae are restricted to be positive simple formulae, the check can be somewhat simplified. This is stated by the following proposition.

    Proposition. Consider two positive simple formulae,  and . Formula  logically follows from formula  (also formula  logically entails formula ) if and only if there exists substitution , such that for any fact  of formula  there exists some fact  in formula , such that ; (in other words, there is  ); this is denoted as  Æ, and  is called the match substitution.

    One can see that the notion of logical entailment in logical formalism corresponds in fact to the notion of generalisation in attributive or similar knowledge representation formalisms.