4.12 Representation of knowledge over time: episodes   Events: logical and temporal characteristics

An episode is a useful linguistic term for denoting the fact that ''something of interest has happen and it lasted for certain period of time''. In process monitoring, supervision and diagnosis the use of predefined episodes for description of particular situations of interest constitutes a convenient and natural way of representation and dealing with the knowledge about the process. Although episodes refer mostly to the observed output (or state) of the system, and are formed basing on the expert superficial knowledge (vs. model-based one), they can be considered as elements of abstract level modelling for system behaviour. For example, the trajectory of a system can be described from a qualitative point of view as a sequence of specific episode. Below a logical and temporal characterisation of events is presented.

In many AI application reasoning about time is essential and several techniques for the explicit representation and processing of time have been proposed in the literature. Among them, the reified temporal logic which seems to be most promising for prospective practical applications. Two concepts w.r.t time used are time points or time intervals. They are usually based on two primitive entities: instants as in MacDermott, or intervals as in Allen's one. The basic construct  of these logics associates a formula  with a temporal entity t, this last is being either an instant or an interval depending on the kind of the logic.

An episode consists of a propositional symbol or formula declaring some logical property and its temporal qualification in the form of an interval of time during which the property holds. A set (conjunction) of episodes forms an expression (formula) containing both logical (or qualitative, symbolic) knowledge specification and time qualification for knowledge items. Knowledge representation with episodes is relatively simple and intuitive. However, in certain cases such representation of knowledge can lead to redundant and/or inconsistent) expressions of unnecessarily big length (the knowledge is not compact).

Let us present elementary logical notions for temporal knowledge representation and reasoning. Some most popular, simple and intuitive method for temporal knowledge representation consists in use of episodes. An episode provides a way of explicit representation of time duration for a proposition of interest. It is based on positive time representation, i.e. the intervals for which propositions hold are given explicitly; beyond these intervals one does not know if the proposition holds or does not hold.

More formally, an episode is a pair  where  is a logical formula or propositional symbol (or any qualitative, symbolic or numerical expression) denoting some properties of interest (a characteristics) and where a and b are two real numbers, such that  is referred to as time interval or time qualification for .

An episode constitutes a basic item for knowledge representation incorporating time qualification. For intuition  means that the property defined by  is known to hold uniformly inside the time interval . In general, one does not know whether  was true or not before a (a excluded) and after b (b included). In certain particular representations one can admit closed or open intervals, but for simplicity of the discussion the convention of left-closed right-open intervals will be adopted; it is not generally of interest what happens exactly before a and at and after b; since the episode has to last for some time, the interval must be a non-zero-length one, and the accepted convention will do. However, if necessary either the change of intervals or the additional description at the boundary time points can be introduced.

Given several episodes with the same formula  and overlapping (interacting) time intervals one may prefer to consider only a maximal episode equivalent to the conjunction of them. Let us recall the following idea of maximal episodes.
An episode  is maximal if and only if  does not hold or is unknown just before a (excluding a) and just after b (including b).

The definition stated as above is intuitive. In case of a knowledge-base consisting of several episodes with the same propositional symbol or formula and interacting time intervals it seems reasonable to replace them with an equivalent maximal episode. Such an operation, to be called maximisation or reduction yields concise representation of knowledge and can be easily performed.

The maximisation operation is always considered within a given context, i.e. a number (conjunction) of episodes are given. Maximisation can be performed only for episodes having the same propositional symbol or formula and interacting time intervals. Two intervals  and  interact if and only if the intersection of them is not empty, or they "stick" to each other, i.e.  and . The maximisation operation for two episodes with interacting time intervals is defined as follows.

Let  and let  be two episodes with interacting time intervals. The maximisation operation yields a maximal episode defined as . Obviously the maximal episode is unique and it is logically equivalent to the conjunction of the maximised (parent) episodes. Further, maximisation can be sequentially applied to a number of pairs of episodes in a conjunctive formula. As the operation reduces the number of episodes in the formula, it can be repeated only finitely many times leading to an irreducible formula. The above operation leads in fact to reduction of the initial formula spread over certain interacting time intervals into the simplest possible form.

Thus one can define maximally reduced conjunctive formula as follows.

Let  be a simple formula (conjunction of episodes). Formula  is maximally reduced form of  if and only if any two episodes with interacting time intervals and the same propositional symbol have been replaced by their maximising episode.

Obviously, in a maximally reduced (for short -- maximised or reduced) formula no further maximisation is possible. Moreover, maximisation defined as above is a finite operation providing unique result; the reduced form of  is logically equivalent to the initial formula.
The maximisation operation is important for logical inference. Let us consider two simple formulae  and ; the problem is to check if  logically follows from  ( Æ).

In classical propositional calculus the above problem has a straightforward solution (see the section on propositional calculus, the note on for positive formulae). The test can be performed by checking if  (here simple formulae are referred to as sets of propositional symbols). In episode calculus, however, the problem is not straightforward. First, one is to take into account the temporal qualification. It is assumed that an episode  follows from an episode  if and only if  and  (). Further, when two episodes  are such that  and , they are not independent from one another. The two episodes considered together provide, roughly speaking, more useful information then the information provided by them considered separately. To be more precise, an episode may follow from a set (conjunction) of episodes with interacting time intervals, even if it does not follow from any of these episodes alone. For instance,  Æ since if p holds for time interval  then it necessarily holds for time interval  as well. Further,  Æ, but neither  nor  alone logically entails . However, if the conjunction  is replaced by its maximally reduced form, i.e.  Æ holds directly. This example shows the importance of the reduction operation for efficient logical reasoning. In fact, the above considerations leads to stating the following proposition:

Proposition. Let  and  be two simple formulae and let  be the maximally reduced form of . Formula  logically follows from  if and only if for any episode  there exists an episode , such that .

The above proposition provides a simple, algorithmic way for checking logical entailment among simple formulae constructed with use of positive knowledge and based on episodes. As a first step one should maximally reduce the formula constituting the assumed knowledge. In the second step one is to check if any episode of the tested formula is `covered' by some episode in the reduced formula, as requested by the proposition; both steps can be easily made algorithmic.

The idea of maximisation (reduction) of episodes implies a practical consequence for choosing the temporal qualification when defining episodes of interest. Obviously, the time limits defining the interval should be selected as characteristic time points, i.e. instants of time when the property defined by the formula  becomes true and becomes false. In other words, the episodes should be defined so that the interval of time is maximal. This can be achieved by selection of the time limits with respect to the definition of  by making their definition dependent on the truth value of them formula; thus the time extent for an episode is defined in a dependent way.

In order to define an episode typically a set of characteristic properties, or characteristic functions should be selected. Then, a join formula (usually a conjunction of subset of the properties) is to be established. Finally, an episode occurs if the formula holds, and the time

interval of the episode is defined to be the time of the formula being true. Of course, for particular needs, the time can be also defined arbitrarily, usually as a minimal time during which  should hold in order to say that the episode has occurred.. Further details can be found in [Bouzid and Ligeza, 1995].

Propositional logic episodes: binary signals

A concept of episode depending on two-valued signal is briefly described below. Consider a binary signal , taking just two values: true (1) and false (0). An episode may consists in the signal taking the value 1 at certain time point for in an interval of some required minimal length . Let  denote a propositional formula stating that . An episode defining that the signal is equal 1 for some period of time may be defined as , where X is a variable - the time of beginning of the episode is not defined precisely.

This can be useful for e.g. defining more general requirements, for example in specifying preconditions of certain actions. A description of an episode just taking place can be , i.e. the signal was equal 1 from time 3 to time 7. Further, more complex episodes referring to combination of values of certain signals can be defined.

Functional episodes

This kind of episodes refer to characteristic elements of continuous signals, usually the output of the supervised system. Below a brief outline of the ''classical approach of [Cheung and Stephanopoulos, 1990a] is presented.

The proposed approach consists in analysis of time signals by abstraction of the qualitative information in form of episodes. This allows for qualitative analysis of process trends at the abstract level of supervision. The time is accepted as linear, with some distinguished instants (points), and interval of time if specified are assumed to be open, distinguished time points are considered separately as in [Kuipers, 1986]. The qualitative state of some signal x(t) is defined by the value of its characteristic functions, such as sign of the function, its first derivative, and its second derivative; all the functions are considered to be qualitative ones and taking the values + for positive, 0 for zero and - for negative values of x(t). Thus, a qualitative state QS(x,t) is a triple

where , means the qualitative value of the function. The notion of a qualitative state can be extended over an interval and denotes as , provided that at any point of the interval  the qualitative state remains the same. An episode is then defined as a pair  assuming that the time interval  is a maximal time interval during which the qualitative state  does not change (for formal reasons, this can be expressed as a logical formula  or , just to show that this is a specific case of the general logical definition introduced in the former section). Furthermore, the qualitative trend (or qualitative history, qualitative trajectory) can be represented by a sequence of non-overlapping qualitative states

Now, basing on the notions introduce above ,a triangular episode is defined in \cite{Cheung:90a}. The definition is refers mostly to the qualitative value of first and second derivative, as some factors important from engineering point of view. The precise definition states that a triangular episode is a four-tuple  practically, this means that a triangular episode is a triangular region contoured by the intersecting lines of the initial slope, the final slope and the average slope through the boundary points.

Representations of qualitative trends by triangular episodes captures many practical requirements for qualitative trend analysis. Moreover, such a representation is concise and essential, i.e. minimal-complete; this means that when maximal episodes are applied, then there is no direct repetition of the same time of episode and any trend can be described by use of those episodes. From simple analysis it follows that there are seven basic patterns of episodes with respect to the qualitative values of first and second derivative, i.e. seven basic shapes (here the boundary values are not considered so as to capture the shape only, and not the level of signal). Another set of basic episode patterns was proposed in [Rengasamy, 1995].