4.11 Graphs and causal graphs

Various sorts of graphs are popular means for knowledge representation in Artificial Intelligence. A basic notion of a graph is as follows. Consider a set of nodes ,N, which represent some entities; these can be events, propositional statements, symptoms, variables or even complex frame-like structures, theories, etc. Amongst the nodes various types of relationship can take place; in the basic formulation one can consider just one type, such as causality, logical entailment, physical dependency, etc. The relations among nodes are represented with arcs (links), and can be directed (one way) or undirected (symmetrical). The relation, to be denoted R, is a subset of the Cartesian product. The graph is defined thus as a pair .

Depending on the particular application, various modifications of the basic definition are possible. Generally speaking, there can be several different types of nodes admitted, and several different types of links among them. Some links can take more complex, functional form and they can link several input and several output nodes. Further, various interpretations of nodes and links are possible.

This section is devoted to presentation of selected basic graph based models with special attention paid to models incorporating various forms of causal graphs. There are quite a number of approaches based on the intuitive notion of causality and graphical representation of causal dependencies among symptoms (events, variables, nodes). Some most typical representations are sketched out below. In Chapter 7 a more general model covering most of the presented one and based on logical causal graphs will be presented.

Fault trees   One of the earliest use of causal graphs in systems engineering consisted in analysis of safety and reliability with use of the so-called fault trees [Barlow and Lambert, 1975]. Fault tree analysis (FTA) has been for quite a long period now recognised and industrially accepted technique for dealing with complexity of systems while analysing its safety and reliability. The origin of FTA dates back to early sixties and first applications in the aerospace industry. This widely applicable technique can be used in diversity of fields including complex, heterogeneous systems as e.g. nuclear power plant. It is mainly applied to safety analysis, but can also be used in diagnosis for predicting the most likely causes in the event of a system breakdown, and as such it may be of interest in supervision for prediction and decision support. It forms also some bases for diagnostic models.
A fault tree consists of nodes representing events in the system and logic gates, usually AND and OR, for representation of relationship between events. Typically, four types of events are distinguished:
Other example fault trees and their construction and use are described in [Barlow and Lambert, 1975]. More complex fault-symptom trees, covering the possibility of using fuzzy fault evaluation are presented in [Isermann, 1994].

The fault trees model [Barlow and Lambert, 1975] can be used in a variety of ways for analysing system safety. The possible approaches include fault simulation, analysis of fault propagation, probabilistic safety assignment, and diagnostic inference. Below we present a simple algorithm useful for identification of possible causes for observed malfunction of the system. the procedure is called minimum cut set algorithm.

A cut set is a set of basic events such that simultaneous occurrence of these events causes the top event of the tree to occur. A cut set is minimal if no proper subset of it causes the occurrence of the top event. For a single top event there may be several different minimal cut sets. A list of all minimal cut sets - if determined - can be helpful in analysing safety, identifying possible or potential causes of a failure and - possibly - redesigning the system to achieve proper level of safety.

The basic principle of the algorithm consists in backward analysis of potential causes for a selected top event. Note that, in case of OR gate there are several alternative causes, while in case of an AND gate there is one cause but composed of several simultaneous events. Thus, an OR node always increases the number of possible cut sets constructed during the analysis, why an AND node increases the size (the number of elements) of the cut sets. The algorithm proceeds top-down in a recursive mode. When primary event are the only ones remaining, the algorithm stops; the most recent sets are the minimal cut sets for the tree.

The principal scheme of the algorithm can be expressed with the following rules:
Simple directed graphs   Simple directed graphs represent mutual relationship between faults and residuals. A basic construction constitute a two-level graph, where the upper level consists of possible faults and the lower level consists of possible residuals (observations)  The faults point to residuals which are (normally) observed if the fault is present. This kind of simple graphs is discussed in [Frank, 1994] and [Frank, 1995]. A schematic representation is given on the picture below.
Note that a graph as above can be equivalently represented by a set of rules

of the form:

if fault = then residual =
where the number of rules is equal to the number of links in the graph. Further, the representation can be crisp (classical case) and fuzzified, as in [Frank, 1994] and [Frank, 1995]. Below two particular formalism using this paradigms are outlined.

However, for practical application purposes, the interpretation of the graph with inference rules is usually upward the direction of causality. This means that the diagnostic rules take the form:

if residual = then fault = is possible



i.e. the occurrence of a residual is an indication of a specific fault. Further, combinations of common presence of residuals can be interpreted, and fuzzy inference rules can be applied.
Diagnostic relations and Kö nig's bipartite graph
Following the above considerations, below a basic classical formulation of diagnostic problem, based on the use of diagnostic relation. Despite some changes in symbols used in the description the formalism is based on [Koscielny, 1994] and [Koscielny, 1995].

A finite, discrete set of possible faults is considered. The set is denoted as . The elements of D are also referred to as elementary faults or elementary diagnoses. They denote elementary final findings in the diagnostic process, such that the assumption of them entails the observed misbehaviour. From functional point of view they cover component faults, control/operator decisions and external events. They can be also considered as input symptoms if causal interpretation is considered.

Further, a finite set of manifestations is assumed to be specified. The set is denoted as . Manifestations are the outermost findings used to detect failure occurrence and start the diagnostic procedure; they are also referred to as diagnostic tests

or observable failures. They can be also considered as output symptoms if causal interpretation is taken into account.

Elements of D and M can be interpreted as symptoms or events; from logical point of view also as propositional formulae. In the basic model it is assumed that both of them can take only two values, i.e. 0 if the symptom does not occur and 1 if it is observed to be true.

A diagnostic relation is the core model used for fault isolation; it is of the form . The meaning of is that elementary fault  is the cause of manifestation , i.e. if  holds them  is observed.

The diagnostic relation  can be represented in the form of diagnostic matrix (a binary one) or in the form of Kö nig's bipartite graph [Koscielny, 1994]} and [Koscielny, 1995]; the graph is denoted also as .

An example graph is presented in the figure below.

The diagnostic procedure consists in fault isolation. For known values of manifestations one is to find all the (minimal) subsets of the set of elementary diagnoses, such that assuming them to occur constitutes a satisfactory explanation of the observed configuration of manifestations. Thus a diagnosis is any (minimal set , such that where  is the observed manifestation pattern to be explained with a diagnosis. For example, if the observed manifestation pattern is defined as , then the minimal diagnoses are  and . Under assumption of a single fault the only diagnosis is .

The diagnostic algorithm constitutes a simple but specified abductive inference. It can be performed in many ways, including systematic evaluation of all the subsets of D; in such a case it would be reasonable to start with single-element subsets of D, and stop the analysis for any subset which would cause more than the observed manifestations; of cause, for a generated solution causing exactly the observed manifestations no proper superset is to be analysed as well.

A more efficient algorithm may consists in abductive analysis of the set of observed manifestations. The following rules summarise the principal idea:

Set covering model

Another similar model is the one based on set covering, initially proposed in \cite{Reggia:83}. A diagnostic problem is understood there as one specified with a set of abnormal findings, i.e. manifestations and it is required to explain their presence with another set of disorders, i.e. elementary diagnoses. Let M denote the set of all possible manifestations (the potential ones) and D the set of potential elementary disorders. It is normally assumed that . Further, the causal relationship among disorders and manifestations is captured with some relation , where  means that  can cause . One should note that in this case the relation is a non-deterministic one, i.e. the presence of  does not necessarily implies that  is observed. In other words, the causation is a weak one or of the type may.

Given the two sets and the causal relation one can define the following sets:


for any  and . The first set,  denotes all possible manifestations caused by specific disorder, while the second one, i.e.  denotes all alternative disorders that can cause specific manifestation.

Finally, let there be given a set of observed manifestations, , such that . The diagnostic problems consists in explaining the manifestations of . A diagnostic problem is thus specified by a four-tuple .

Now one can look for all possible explanations. Obviously, it is convenient to consider only minimal ones, i.e. such that no subset of them is an explanation of the full set of observed manifestations. Thus, given a diagnostic problem, an explanation is a set , such that (i.e. covers or fully explains ) and such that there does not exist any other explanation D´´ satisfying the above condition and such that , i.e. is minimal with respect to set inclusion. The presented definition is slightly more general than the one of [Reggia et al, 1983]; in the original paper minimal solution with respect to the number of elements (cardinality) are preferred.

Note that, in this kind of model is quite similar to the former one based on diagnostic relations. The principal difference consists in admitting weak causality. As the result, one can expect a greater number of potential diagnoses, since the potential diagnoses are not limited to the ones ''exactly fitting'' the observed manifestations.

Note that the solution - in general case - is not necessarily unique; several sets, incomparable with respect to inclusion relation can form minimal explanations. Let us consider the diagnoses generation problem as a specific case of abductive inference. For any manifestation  one has to look for a disjunctive list of possible causes. By examining the observed manifestations in turn, several such sets are generated. Any time a new set is generated it is to be combined with the temporary solution exactly as in the former model. Non-minimal solutions are simply removed. Any final set of initial causes fully explains the observed manifestations, and is minimal. It can, however, contain primary causes being potential causes of other manifestations, which are not observed in the current state of the system.

Signed directed graphs - SDG

This kind of causal graphs were established to model continuous processes. The basic idea of the technique consists in tracing the observed malfunctions back to their origin. To enable this process one needs to represent possible ways and types of information propagation. The proposed model takes the form of signed directed graph (SDG) and was proposed by Kramer and Palowitch; a presentation based on the original paper can be also found in [Tzafestas, 1989].

A signed directed graph consists of nodes which represent state variables, alarm conditions, fault sources or sensor-measured values, and branches (edges) representing the influence between nodes. The influence can be positive (marked with '+') or negative (marked with '-' over the edges). A node can influence several other nodes. Any node can be influenced by none, one or several nodes. Auxiliary information can also be specified; it may include time delays, intensity of the influence, probabilities, etc.

The representation is somewhat oversimplified but very intuitive, and for supervision and diagnostic inference can be quite satisfactory in many cases. However, in order to assure correct work, several limiting assumptions must be accepted:

  • correct diagnosis can be obtained only if each variable undergoes at maximum one transition between qualitative states during fault propagation; in fact, a steady-like state is analysed, where the variables change from normal to abnormal value along the propagation path,
  • single fault influencing single root node is assumed to be the source of all perturbations observed,
  • occurrence of the fault does not change other causal pathways in the graph.
  • The causal graph can be used both for fault modelling (i.e. simulation of fault propagation) and diagnosis (i.e. searching for initial causes of the observed malfunctions). In fact, the two activities are close to dual (or inverse) tasks. Assuming fault of a single node is necessary to provide the possibility of generation of directed trees showing the propagation of the fault. From a single node several trees can usually be generated. Any such tree constitutes an interpretation of fault propagation. Normally, only one of the trees (or a part of it) shows the actual paths of fault propagation, the other refers to possible interpretations presenting potential behaviour possibilities. Fault propagation involves construction of all such tree representing possible fault propagation. Diagnostic task consists in identifying all root nodes being provided with sensor-obtained qualitative values of system variables. The typical choice of these values consists of high (+1), normal (0) low (-1).

    Consider a simple graph presented on the figure below.

    Assume that the fault enters the network at the A node changing the variable value from normal (0) to high (+1). Assuming that nodes B and E are unmeasured ones, one can further simplify the initial graph to the form presented below, by node lumping procedure; this procedure 'eliminates' all unmeasured variables, as ones of no interest (except as potential root nodes, which is not the case here). In fact, such nodes provide no new verifiable information. Further, the link from  to A was removed, since by assumption the positive perturbations is strong enough to override the negative feedback.
    The resulting simplified graph is presented below.

    Note that the graph still contains one loop with negative feedback. Now consider the possible ways of fault propagation. First, the fault can propagate from A to  and further to . Simultaneously, it can propagate from A to  and, through the loop, to . Due to the assumption of single state transition, C cannot return to normal value by the negative feedback in the loop. Similarly, in this interpretation  cannot be changed to low or normal by negative influence of .

    This interpretation is show below.

    Another possibility consists in propagation of the fault from A to  through , and . Note that on the path one negative influence is present.

    The interpretation is show on the picture below.

    In the development of interpretations one traces down paths from the root node to leaf ones, keeping consistency with the assumptions (no variable can change twice or more), and taking into account the direction and sign of the edges. Feedback loops are typically removed by assuming that they cannot compensate fully for the perturbation.. However, in certain cases this may be not true; then, interpretations taking into account the negative feedback effect possibly cancelling the disturbance on the controlled variable.
    The interpretation trees define possible patterns of steady-state like fault occurrences. The fault, observed as perturbation of the variable value can propagate only down the tree, from the root node, according to the signs of edges. It can stop at some variables before reaching the leafs, however, due to the assumption there cannot be a gap in the path of fault propagation: if certain variable on a selected path is disturbed, then all the ancestor variables must be influenced as well. For the two interpretations presented above, the fault propagation patterns are as in the two following tables,
    0 0 0 0
    1 0 0 0
    1 1 0 0
    0 0 1 0
    0 0 1 1
    1 0 1 0
    1 1 1 0
    1 0 1 1
    1 1 1 1
    0 0 0 0
    1 0 0 0
    1 1 0 0
    1 1 -1 0
    1 1 -1 -1
    The presented patterns can be used directly for diagnosis. The basic use consists in matching some of the patterns against the current observations. This kind of approach is equivalent to the so-called fault dictionaries. However, for large tables it may become inconvenient to keep all the data. Thus a table like above can be converted into expert-like rules, where a single rule can cover several example patterns (or even the entire table). A method for converting tables into rules is outlined in [Tzafestas, 1989]. The technique can be summarised as simulating all possible ways of fault propagation (for all potential sources in turn) for generating sets of patterns covering the feasible behaviour, and thus creating fault dictionaries. Then, on the basis of that knowledge generation of expert rules covering the cases included in the dictionaries. A technique like that is, however, time consuming and computationally costly. Further, some of the patterns may never occur in practice and the generated knowledge are useless.
    Note however, that taking into account the assumptions and the generated interpretations a simple tracing back the graph may turn out to be efficient diagnostic method. Namely, discovering a disturbed variable (or a set of such variables) one has to trace back until the last one disturbed variable, which is thus the source of malfunctioning. Further, in case of direct search, multiple source for errors can be identified. In fact, the structure of the initial graph (after node lumping and elimination of closed loop) can be used for construction of a logical causal AND/OR/NOT graph (in practice no AND connections will be used); a general approach based on such graphs will be presented in Chapter 7.